Nice pic of the warbler!
My goal is to restore Judaism to its historical proportion of the world's population. It was 0.5-1% and right now is 0.2%. This is likely to mean a rich Jewish cultural life in more areas. The goal is not to coerce people to move, but ideally, to expand Judaism to more places. It's possible that local people where you are, for example, might be attracted to Judaism if it were presented differently. But we wouldn't know with the way we are going about things.
Restoration of Judaism's historical prevalence means the growth of a Jewish community more on our terms. This could, and should, mean sending a different message about Palestinians - that they are our kin and our colleagues not our enemies. And if we address Israel's supposed demographic concerns, we would be able to offer them return to the land with full citizenship and full rights - which is their core demand.
One of Australia's famous financial tech businesspeople, who is Lebanese born, has described this paradigm change to Judaism as almost solving Israel-Palestine in itself. Basically, the best way to solve Israel-Palestine is to change some aspect of the underlying conditions so cooperation is more organic. Ideally, this means focusing on another problem with ramifications to the Israel-Palestine issue. And the shift from a closed Jewish civilization to an open Jewish civilization definitely dovetails with a more positive dynamic involving Palestinians.