LOL, you picked the wrong person about affairs. My husband is a philosopher who really believes that when you get married, you need to know what you're getting into and do what you say you're going to do. I think similarly but he is actually writing about this as a philosopher. At the same time, if you are poly, this is something else you better learn about yourself ASAP so you can act on it and you aren't tied up by an exclusive commitment to a monogamist.
Thinking about my relationship makes me think about a bird called the splendid fairy wren. It's like, for me and my relationship, that bird's color takes a long time to develop, kind of like a Polaroid used to when you took it out of the camera. Basically, I'm wired VERY monogamously and part of that includes synesthesia. Perhaps I should write about that and hopefully the people who say, This isn't me, can be aware of it and find their own way.
Even the most popular spaces, by the way, don't make much money directly from ad earnings. At most they make on the order of a few hundred a year. The best way to gain from a space is to use it to build professional or strong social connections. A space doesn't need to be large or popular to build professional-level connections in a specialized field, it just has to have content that draws the attention of the few serious people about the area you want to connect with.