Hi! Really enjoyed your blog post. I’m all for plus size activism. You are absolutely right, there is too much stigma associated with being the wrong body size. It is also one of many manifestations of sexism.
I’m just getting involved in activism, in my case on Israel-Palestine. Here’s what I wrote about how I became involved with that. I am promoting respectful and conscientious grassroots efforts toward cooperation and a mutually happy solution. I’ve become quite influential on Quora.com, and now looking to expand beyond it.
I also enjoy writing positively about hyenas, in an effort to improve their reputation. Spotted hyenas are highly intelligent animals that live in complex, female-dominated, food-scarce warrior societies. Being a hefty female is a mark of power in their culture. They are also an interesting peace image. Usually, a woman choosing a cooperative strategy is associated with being passive and submissive rather than a leader, implied by imagery such as the dove or the lamb. To counter this, I write about how I am inspired by Waffles, a powerful alpha female hyena that led by building strong alliances and being very gentle to her clan-mates. See this post.